I find it strange that Mia's apparent....instability is being used by some people to defend Woody Allen from Dylan's accusations.
I find it strange that Mia's apparent....instability is being used by some people to defend Woody Allen from Dylan's accusations.
He's (once again) the asshole for sharing this publicly.
I do not find Mia Farrow's graphic illustration of the destruction of their family due to Woody Allen cheating on her with her teenage daughter to be as shocking as the actual destruction of their family due to Woody Allen cheating on her with her teenage daughter.
"I was in a dark place" or some such bullshit... I need to add this to my running list of things that men say when they get caught cheating or doing some other bad shit.
Also, doesn't the fact that they have locations open on Thanksgiving show that they don't treat their retail employees so well?
Okay, so they're not completely, 100% terrible. (How, exactly, is the company "trying to come back from that"? Can you share any evidence that they're trying to improve their sweatshops?) The Gap still treats the people who produce clothing horribly - so maybe they're only 80% terrible? What do you think is an…
The Gap produces its clothing in horrible sweatshop conditions and treats its workers poorly. But hey, its ads feature celebrities who are young and beautiful but not always white, so they must be wonderful people! I want to go buy a $100 sweatshop-made shirt right now!
A good friend of mine lives in perpetual terror of her father finding out that she has a stick and poke on her ribs because he would freak out if she couldn't be buried in a Jewish cemetery.
Also maybe best gif use ever? I'd vote for it.
She didn't say anything wrong. She asked a question that environmental philosophers have been asking for a long time.
Preachy vegetarians make you look bad, maybe. Asking a reasonable question in a discussion forum (without calling out anyone elses habits I might add) does not.
In what world, according to you, is it…
OK legit question. Why do people care about the plight of certain animals and not others? Ever hear the wail of a dairy cow as her babies are taken from her? What about pigs as they're being pushed to slaughter? I just don't understand the plight of certain animals being more important or sad.
Do you guys ever consider publishing articles on the same topic at the same time in a point-counter point? I think this is an interesting perspective contrast to the piece from yesterday (also would have worked with your piece and Barry's on Brown's rape).
Breast Cancer®, the America's Sweetheart of deadly, disfiguring diseases that it is, inspires a deluge of pink junk…
Mmm, sorry, if you almost kill me, I reserve the right to get a little ragey. I'm not sure you could find a jury to convict him. He didn't smash HER to the ground, just her phone.
The guy was in the wrong, but seeing as how the woman endangered the lives of several people, I guess he was pretty shaken up at the time. It is not like he is going around traffic lights smashing phones preemptively.
Hmm... I'll take your word for it. I did a three month trip, but it was not solo. I would not compare it to eating, praying, or 'loving' though. Seriously, it's a good book. She's a good writer.
Your doings and ruminations may not be interesting. Hitchhiking through the Western US by yourself just sounds reckless and stupid. I thought Cheryl Strayed's store was illuminating. And she writes like a motherfucker.
Oh yeah? You hiked the Pacific Rim Trail with a 60+ pound pack as a solo female? Yawn. NBD.
You haven't actually read any of the book, have you? Or any of her Dear Sugar articles for The Rumpus? OK, then.