was it unexpected? hell no. But one can always hope :)
was it unexpected? hell no. But one can always hope :)
ahhhhhh *rage face at exclusive*
So happy its back, sad its an exclusive, but ultimately ecstatic that its back.
sigh. me either. maybe i just don't understand mobile gaming. the games I've picked up lasted on my phone for a month tops save one. infinity blade II. borderlands didn't even last a week, and i kinda felt a little jipped but chalked it up to not researching the purchase enough. oh i take that back make it two games.…
L O L.....agreed
i almost lost my brain when i read that sentence. "may" seriously may? i may go and get myself a slushie later. i may by a lotto ticket. fuck that, that degenerate mother fucker "WILL" and "Better" face murder charges. So tragic :(
super why is bad. but its not Caillou bad.
I'd play that game! With as vast as you're making it sound i wouldn't mind a 20-30$ price tag for that. especially since you're incorporating so many different elements. Though that's a tough decision to make. The DLC ideas aren't bad either. Games like White Knight Chronicles had a similar DLC like that. (which i…
It would be nice if we settle on some sort of revenue model that pleases gamers and developers both. I think soon we'll see more games drop below the $60 entry fee or $15 subscription (for some MMOs) and introduce a short entry fee, with microtransactions for extra content or online play or whatever the individual…
That is like saying everyone who buys a used car is contributing to the decline of the automobile. Sorry. My purchase are spread about 70/30 New/Used. Will i blindly throw money at an unproven product? Hell no. Will i support developers and programmers? Fuck yes. I've spent close to 400 dollars in the last 12 months…
months? some games take years. same as an automobiles planning from start to finish. Your car devalues the minute you drive it off the lot. Same for a game. I understand where you're coming from though.
i can agree with that. Is there a pie chart somewhere that generally shows how that 60 dollar games money is broken up?
seems we both went the same way with our logic. :) i agree 100% on this one.
In regards to the used game question, i can't think of any consumer good that a company gets a profit from a secondary sale. Ford/GM/Honda does not get a cut when you put your car up for sale, The contractor that built your house doesn't get a cut when you sell your house. Now granted these items generally are not…
Hey evan, is the WSJ article posted?
LOL thanks for the spit take.
i was thinking this too, though for some reason the headphones kept reminding me of The World Ends With You. totally SMT though.
N64 launched with 2 titles was it? Mario 64 and Pilot Wings. Could you imagine any of the next gen consoles only launching with 2 games?! Not to mention to uber slow role out of games after that. That being said man did i love that system. Killer Instinct, Golden Eye, Perfect Dark, etc. Though im sure this next gen…
Man i loved that series. The whole ring combat system felt very fluid to me.
couldn't have said it better.
i remember that when it came out i was in my mid teens, i physically dragged my dad into the room to show him how bad ass it was. Later that night he moved the PS from my room to the living room so he could play when i slept lol.