
Would you say they're good, good vibrations?

I would watch the fuck out of that.

I'm stealing your line.

I see what you did there.

EDGE! The Rated R Super Star! Love listening to him on Jericho's podcast.

I had a T-shirt like that once.

I saw two episodes of this show once — one about White Castle and the other with NASCAR's front office. Both of them being clearly corporate shilling and manipulatively heart warming, but I could see why people who like schmaltz would watch it. WTF? Reading about this episode makes me think the network doesn't know

I missed Glorfindel because that's the archetype and character name I used for my first D&D character back in 1979 or thereabouts. So don't tell ME no one missed Glorfindel although I loved Arwen being awesome and in those scenes.

Sort of non-Eucledian ...

As a life time horror fan — once considered (tongue in cheek) among the elite of the horror blogging community (back when there were a dozen of us) — I've always hated that Eli Roth is considered a horror director. What he does is torture porn. He is a torture pornographer, plain and simple.

As an orphan, I am available for adopting by wealthy parents. Granted, being 50 with three children, I may not be the typical adoptee. But really, I'll call every Sunday and Kanye (or other adoptive parent) can take me to basketball games and stuff. I don't want to be on TV but I promise to make my bed every morning

3 at the same time is a party though.

The horror of being a beautiful model with the bone structure not quite the same as another beautiful model. Oh the humanity. I can't imagine that horror. I hide my beauty behind these mummy wrappings, but her perceived slightly less perfections are there for the whole world to see!

So, no nuke it from orbit then? #obligatoryaliensreference

I haven't seen so much great, high quality cheese in one place since my last visit to a Wegmans.

In Soviet Russia, submarines launch you. #yakov

So does this mean she won't be reprising her role as Abigail Whistler in a Blade sequel or spin off anytime soon? Am I the only one who liked her character for a spin off series? Oh ... just me then.

In the end, necromancy is always my answer.

"thousands of dollars" ... fixt

"My Chief Rabbit has told me to stay and defend this run, and until he says otherwise, I shall stay here. —Bigwig"