Yes because i NEED to keep my valuables safe, things like a few candy bars, a newspaper, a date book, and an old fashioned silver key.
Yes because i NEED to keep my valuables safe, things like a few candy bars, a newspaper, a date book, and an old fashioned silver key.
hehe i guess this phone would be great for dyslexic people
#24 is a definite winner, it's so useless :D
@Mackanov: My original iPod wire broke and i got one from my friend, it is a little thicker and it doesn't look Apple-made. It would be pretty cool if i had a technological phenomenon carelessly tossed upon my kitchen counter. Maybe my friend is an alien :O
@ara: I know, what i was trying to say is that it took 10 minutes to download the software, install it onto my 3rd gen. iPod, and restore it's 10.92 gigabytes of data.
in total, it only took ten minutes for me, i feel bad for all the suckers that had to wait three full hour just to get the new OS, that's probably because they weren't waiting on their computer at 9:59AM for it to come out.
21 is the most professional quality of the bunch, i would definitely choose that one for a winner
YAY, it's downloading for me right now, i have been waiting for this big moment in my life for a very long time, now :D
@kring: where is it? it's not live for me
It looks like a mix between all their old computers combined with small things like the keyboard that were copied by another computer company. The stats aren't too good at all, that computer is waaay to thick to have such suckish stats.
@cwebb: "So have fun looking at the internet you pubescent little children and I'll stick to the spenders."
@adamvacancy: think about it, man. the only people on the earth that actually WANT the phone books are seniors and people over 50, who also happen to be technologically incapable of calling someone or going on the internet to determine wether or not they want a phone book.
Even the Mysteryguitarman got rid of his phonebooks!
@d1gw33d: Think about it this way, the iPhone is making the best out of a bad situation, it's the only phone that can make AT&T's network seem somewhat suitable for everyday use. All other phones that run on AT&T can't handle all the crap it gives out
wow this poll is close, closer than i have ever seen, but i definitely think that the hardware controls the carrier. when people blame the carrier for all their troubles, it usually means that they have a crappy phone
I didn't mind any of these things not being at the WWDC except for the new Apple TV and MacbooK Air, which i have been hoping for for a very long time now :(