This is a great call. When they released the pictures for the 435 ZHP, I went to look back at the old 3-series ZHP and the one thing they don’t have in common is that the 3-series looks so much lighter and more tossable than the 4. I agree if they offered it on the 2, the price would be much more palatable and more

I could never decide if this is under-punctuated - “Man-love rules, OK?” - or whether man love is OK at ruling, or rules that it is OK.

To the few who look at the comments before watching the video: Put this on mute. I don’t mean to tell you to turn the volume down. Turn the volume off. All the way off.



Guys should use this technique.

What I realized a long time ago (before I finished high school) is everyone tries to have everything. So everything gets done half-assed, and though they sort of have it all, nothing is as good as they wanted. The compromise means everything sort of sucks.

So it’s worse than beating your wife, but not as bad as beating your wife but being caught on tape.

I think he should have to play the first 4 games with a ball COMPLETELY deflated... Like ur dad makin u smoke the whole pack when he catches you smoking cigs! Ha!

But first, I should save lots of cash. And a license. And a Logitech rig I can practice on (optional).

STFU our potholes have their own ecosystems living within.

E46 M3 GTR - First 3 series with a V8, super limited homologation special, and I believe it is one of the best looking 3-series cars ever made.

BMW Z3 coupe (2.8)...that’s 193 euro-ponies, 65k on the clock and less than 15grand BIN.

I think you might be confusing “sting operation” with “entrapment”.

Wait, even if the NFL did conduct a sting operation, Yee’s point is....what exactly? Isn’t the point of a sting operation to catch someone doing something wrong? If drug smugglers get caught in a sting operation, they can’t say, “Nuh uh! No fair! It was a sting operation.”

it is common knowledge in the legal industry that reports like this generally are written for the benefit of the purchaser.