
Did anyone try yelling “Stop resisting!” over and over again? That legitimizes the force.

Also not widely known - the rumble strips at the sides of motorways are to let blind drivers know what road they’re on and what junction’s coming up...

I know it’s not a popular take around here, but Under Armour should be focused on manufacturing their products here in America with American workers and materials. You are talking about creating however many jobs it takes to manufacture every Steph Curry shoe sold in this country. So, like 2-3 jobs AT LEAST.

They’re a bit too gritty to be considered moochers, I think.

“and he’s only a sophomore so I don’t care”

The ref had no business pushing him into the boards/box. He should be reprimanded for certain.

He also alleged that Barkley can’t walk away from the TV job for...some reason (probably unrelated to gambling losses): “I know he wanted to retire a long time ago, but he can’t...He’s stuck up on that stage every week.”

I got close to winning an NCAA championship once as a coach. I imagined then how proud I would be taking my ladies to the White House to meet Obama. I imagined how great it would be for them to stand next to a president who was a true champion of women. I honestly don’t know what I would do if I were in the same

Yeah, and if you don’t like what they write you can just get them expelled.

Peyton Manning: A head for business, a head for policy, a head for compassion and a head for America. Peyton Manning: Four Heads.

No shit. Manhattan College is in the fucking Bronx.

I’m not asking you to get over Ventura’s death, but please, get over yourself.

Psh, this guy basically wrote the book on hiring foreigners and stashing assets abroad.

Counterpoint: Good dog.

The heel click shows she’s just a show off.

Punching a nazi is simultaneously a pastime and a duty. There’s no politics involved

Those are all nice but the biggest clutch shot was the guy who punched the nazi.

The fuck do you think destroying the public school system and converting it all to charters will do? Because the answer is fucking that.

Or, and I’m just thinking out loud here...what if they spent some money to train their police officers to stop harassing people weren’t a threat to anyone? I know it’s a crazy concept, but I think it just might work.

A step in the right direction? He didn’t want to get invited to the mayors house...he wanted to not be harassed by police for walking outside.