
It’s amazing that that camera on his bike stayed with him the whole time.

Luckily that thistle and poison ivy broke his fall

The System absolutely worked. I made this point on 2 other Knicks posts. The 76ers will be good long before the Knicks are. Hinkie put his foot in his mouth a few too many times, but the man had a simple scientific hypothesis that was proven out. He was right and it pisses me off to no end that d-bag Colangelo is

It’s really a shame the Sixers didn’t keep Evan Turner, Spencer Hawes and Andre Iguodala and keep making runs at the 7 seed, though.

Reporter: Can you describe how you felt when you were offered the scholarship and then when they rescinded it just two weeks before signing day?

If anyone was gonna be ready with jokes about moving out of San Diego, it’s Eli Manning.

Hey, if anyone steps on this comically oversized rug bearing our team logo, we’ll be cursed. Where should we put it? How about right in the middle of the locker room? Brilliant!

Way to bury the real issue with this picture. That guy’s haircut behind Bill. That is a look...

Yes, counter-balance. The forward lunge provided counter-balance for the mule kick to the nuts attempt.

So the fact that the defending-champion Cavs had three superstars in LeBron, Kyrie and Love and no serious competition in the East was fine with you, in terms of rooting for them, but the addition of 35-year-old Kyle Korver as a three-point specialist is too much?

I agree with you, Boras is a snake he is worried about the financial pool and revenue streams that the various ball club’s fan base can represent but he does get the biggest paydays for his clients.

Skyline Chili? The Hawks made the trade with the Cleveland Cavaliers not the Cincinnati Royals. No one north of Dayton eats that soup, errrrr I mean chili.

I don’t know if you were insinuating it exactly, but I’d just like to point out Cleveland DOES NOT have skyline chilli. Yes our river caught on fire, yes our housing is dirt cheap, yes we see the sun under 20 times a year, BUT WE WILL NOT BE VIEWED AS SKYLINE PEOPLE, FUCK THAT SHIT

I watched it twice for a crotch to pole schadenfreude moment...I feel like I’ve been trolled.

being lectured by someone who wasn’t even playing wasn’t received favorably.

not despite-because of!

I’m not surprised. Cardinals have been accused of trickery with the wrong holes for years.