
"That list seems long. I can make it smaller, if you like."

Well yeah, if I didn't have my legs weighing me down I could climb a rope too

All she wanted was to have a golf ball hit off of her bare ass, but instead she was humiliated like this.

I expected more. Klein was talking all week about how he'd "tear that ass up".

I don't know if you meant to call it technocology, but it's more fitting.

A fair point, but basketball/hockey arenas are better civic investments than football stadiums because they are cheaper, weatherproof, and can be used for a much wider variety of events throughout the year.

Gregg Popovich does not do this to his players. He may get intense with them, but he absolutely does not rage out on them like this. And screaming "ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION ASSHOLE" at a college freshman is not "let[ting] his players know that someone is in charge." It's letting his players know that he's

New Kinja: WHY?!

What he suffered was nothing compared to this new Kinja

As long as Elvis Andrus still screws with Adrian Beltre on the field, I'm cool with the Rangers.

Goddamn Giannis-being-good-at-soccer truther.

This Is What MLB's Replay System Will Look Like:

I'm a little bit confused by this. If so many states are ignoring R. Kelly then how is his national ranking so fucking high? Is he just tearing it up in Cali and NY?

Ellen Degeneres is the comedy equivalent of elevator music. Was there ever a time she was funny?

He was actually just a seat filler so they could give the impression they had a

Iverson, for me, is a lot like Mike Tyson. He's one of those guys that I was ambivalent towards throughout most of his career for more reasons of my own than his. I was pretty locked in to the whole black and white version of the world, someone is either a saint or a devil. As I grew up and realized all the stupid and

I don't care if a guy is 95% vs. 99% efficient in his path.

If you want to start counting producers/managers/CEOs, Suge Knight is the obvious No. 1 on this list. Dude played in the NFL.

He may not be a Rapper, but Suge Knight was a legit OT/DT in Compton HS and also played D1 ball at UNLV. He even got a chance to play for the L.A. RAMS during the 1987 strike season. But to be honest, I just wanted an excuse to post his hilarious HS photo.

Anonymous Eastern Conference Scout: This is exactly what I’ve been trying to tell everyone. Even Rondo’s own teammates know he’s selfish. Why else would they choose someone like Felton to run point in their orgy.