
Randy Moss played for 14 seasons.

Saw 12 Years a Slave. Then I went right back to measuring a bunch of half-naked large black men.

team USA was going to leave a note but didn't quite know how to end it.

And you claim this chart is credible?

It is spelled Earl Clark, so please don't change this without a correction like you did your affected/effected gaffe.

someone should post that "in rod we trust" picture from the simpsons

I'm surprised he wasn't ratted out by the Phillies.

Always love the argument that paying college athletes is un-American. No, not allowing the free market to operate is un-American. Paying all your workers the same amount regardless of the value they generate is borderline communism, pal.

You basically noted the issue with that which is that they're all additional compensation. If a company offered solely those things they'd get smoked by the companies that offered those in addition to a salary.

The problem is that no one should be able to tell you how to spend your compensation. You don't pay people with gift cards to your own store.

Yep. Pouncey is just as much of an asshole as Incognito.

In all fairness, this is probably less photoshopped than the Upton cover shot last year.

I think the outdoor training was based on an expectation of the Sochi venue's roof collapsing.

He clearly has a fix already, why does he need to spend up to 2bucks?

But the bright side is that you are now the American sports journalist who was banned from the 2014 Olympics for online pics of you yanking off your knob.

One problem: she forgot that she wasn't wearing anything underneath her suit.

Sure, if you're editing a video for production. If you're trying to present raw footage of a newsworthy incident, you shouldn't be editing it at all. The moment you start editing video, you open the door for questioning whether it's been doctored.

Ohhh, font size. When I saw "Rhea Hughes," I inferred horseface size.

You mean like the NSA would do if it were in the states..