
Who in the fuck reads Deadspin for its "journalistic integrity"? I just read for the occasional dick pic. #nolatenthomo

Russian Police Officer: This man tweeted picture of athlete living conditions.

Second tier station? 97.5 routinely outperforms WIP. WIP lost the broadcast rights to Flyers and Sixers games to them. They have been routinely shifting their drive time hosts since Misanelli came on because nobody listens to them. Are you trying to impress the readers who aren't from the area by spouting nonsense

"Better than the ride on the H train." - Philip Seymour Hoffman

He further noted that even after leaving the NFL, Darryl Stingley and Mike Utley continued to have exceptionally strong biceps and triceps.

No one should ever respect you. Cellphone stores are awful places selling horrifically overpriced plans and staffed by the by the nation's most mediocre citizens. Fuck you babyman.

No doubt healthcare for NFL players is the best in the world. Where else can they heal a concussion in a commercial break?

[Vernon Davis Asks Roger Goodell Why Former NFLers Don't Get Healthcare]

You can definitely see someone take a piss on Rick Reilly on Fox Sports 1. But, if you really want to see Rick get shit on, you have to subscribe to Fox Sports 2.

I'm not sure what he was mad about, but seeing him react with such emotion after a sporting event has caused a lot of his fans to tweet him messages of support, where they refer to him by his nickname, the "Knegger".

Well, technically, you did most of your winning with hidden cameras, but tomato, tomahto.

If you want to find the raaaayyyycis in the room, listen for the word "thug". It's become synonymous with "any black man with any attribute I disagree with", or sometimes just "black man". There used to be another word for it, but that's become taboo.

Apparently the miami dolphins standards are: clear mental illness from football = GET THE FUCK OFF OUR TEAM!!!
Calling a teammate a "half nigger" and threatening to kill his family = "i dont know why they are attacking such an incredible upstanding gentleman!!!!"

No. It really doesn't. Very few things do. In fact visuals, unless the actual point of the gag, are really starting to get annoying and make it look like Gawker/Jezebel around here.

Seattle got off to an early lead as fans wanted to brag that they gave before it was mainstream.

Sigh, it was not an upset. Ark was favored by 1 to 2 points around the world.

Considering the possible ramifications of going to a movie in Colorado, the first person I'd invite is my shooting guard.

I think it's cool.

In what world would a lifetime ban have been in order? Because you don't like him?

As further evidence of Musberger trying to sound "hip," Mushnick pointed out that he kept referring to "pop" as "soda" and "negroes" as "people."