
No language or dialect is superior or inferior to any other. All speech has the capacity to express the same ideas and thoughts. Southern English and AAVE are just as valid as whatever you consider "proper" English.

how do we know they are actually scoring?

Last time I took a picture while scoring, I ended up in court.

Why should they be embarrassed? Because they dont want to shell out to watch something live that is much better (and more comfortable in the case of everyone except Indy) on TV? I dont see anything embarrassing about it for a set of fans, they just aren't taking what the NFL is shoving down their throats.

Now playing

This is basically the NBA on 3 feet goals:

It's one of the reasons that intentional grounding is such an excellent penalty. It's the rare penalty on a quarterback, and it basically kills any drive because you lose the yards AND the down.

Nah, I liken Andrew Bynum to Vin Baker. Very good basketball players who just stopped giving a shit about basketball.

Sorry, I keep seeing people, including Sean, who are blasting Barngani on this one. That wasn't even remotely his responsibility to help on Beal. He was staying on Gortat because it looked like Beal was going to use a ball screen. He was getting ready to hedge on that screen so Beal wouldn't have curled right

In defense of not calling a timeout, Carmelo Anthony would have done the exact same thing coming out of a timeout.

Nice to see Peter Carroll helping people get free cars again.

He doesn't lower his head at all. Both players are going pretty fast, so I think he did a good job getting the chest. Sure, they can call it roughing the passer, but it's a solid tackle. It's just the nature of the game now: You can play as fundamentally sound as possible, but circumstances out of your control might

All because you morons care about preserving stupid home run records set when everyone was taking amphetamines instead of steroids.

No. And it's not even about the steroids.

My biggest issue with McGwire is that, outside of the dingers, and walks he wasn't that good. He hit .300 over a full season once. He played 1 position, 1B, and he wasn't great at it. Basically, was he good enough at hitting dingers to negate the fact that it was almost all he had? I'd say yes, but I can see the

Yes, but would you say that same thing to your parents about the tooth fairy and Santa Claus?

Fair words. Given that you're a lawyer and all, I would at the very least expect un-biased 'footage' of the press conference. You know, context and all. A heavily edited video consisting of a handful of chuckles with no actual words doesn't exactly bolster your argument, which is an honorable one.

"Mr. Gronkowski, we're going to get an MRI. We're concerned you may have CTE."

I hope your mom gets up in the middle of the night for a glass of water and stubs her toe on some furniture that she forgot she moved slightly after reading the fung sui book I got her for her birthday!!!

Or blame morons who imbue hockey with idiotic tit-for-tat reprisal-based morality. Those people are gaaaaaaaaaaaarbage.