
Shut up, Jameis.

"A little thing that can turn into anything at anytime."


Why the hell is this even news? It's 2013, for crying out loud.

The last time anyone lost a draft pick, IIRC, was the Patriots after Spygate- illegally taping other teams' practices and defensive signals over the course of months or years. if he Steelers get a similar penalty for an infraction that lasted one play, Goodell should penalize the Pats like 3 first round picks.

"I was very fortunate," Tyson said. "I had a Clayton Blackmore calendar."

That is the dumbest thought anyone has ever had.

No, she made a mistake and did a stupid thing that stupid kids do at that stupid age. She doesn't need to have it preserved forever. Just let this die.

Just a silly kid who did a stupid thing. No. Can't do it and feel right about it.

Anyone who spends 10.3 hours per week masturbating may need some professional help.

It's okay, Gammo, many of the victims wish they could have a knee-jerk reaction too

To be fair, I think Peter was just trying to illustrate that A-Rod's defense doesn't have a leg to stand on.

Yankees: [play a doubleheader]

I want to know more about this "fun butt-safe environment."

This was a major, major troll. If the author actually believes what he wrote - which I doubt - I'd like to know how he's been able to be hired anywhere, for anything, let alone the fine site known as this one.

So you're saying if Ohio State, Baylor, Alabama, and FSU are all undefeated, each running the table in a major conference stocked with quality teams, that the winner of the two selected is "legitimate"? The other two teams didn't lose and played incredibly high levels of football, but excluding them based on computer

That's what it used to look like when I'd switch to the wrong player on defense in NBA 2K.

He's had a lot to say about his mental illness and the trouble he got himself into prior to seeking treatment.

I'll be expecting Downie to be in the headlines any minute for torching Andre Rison's basement apartment.