
It's kind of bullshit that Oregon had their 2nd string offense play defense though.

despite all the lost funds, the school is still well in the black.

Grambling had to cut golf and tennis? Whats next? Lacrosse? The swim team?

The same post on the Yankees' Facebook page has plenty of responses exactly like this. But hey, can't go wrong with the "ha ha the South is full of stupid rednecks" narrative.

This is child abuse, no kid should be subjected to drinking watered down horse piss.

Bud Light?

Who's drinking beer in that picture?

The problem with the Redskins (and Chief Wahoo) debate is that most of the people on a certain side of them frankly lack the intellectual capacity to even understand what the issue is in the first place. I'd have no problem debating someone who could actually articulate a logical and well-reasoned argument for why

Were you trying to set a world record for most strawmen and false equivalences in a single sentence?

Which would itself be evidence of opposition to the name among tribal communities, something Reilly claims doesn't exist.

Either scenario invalidates the point of Reilly's column, though.

Rick hopes this doesn't make for an awkward Thanksgiving dinner, especially since he's already spent all that money on the costumes.

Typical Indian giver. Right, Rick?

Meh, even if his lawyer did, it's still better than the majority of lawyer-written apologies. If lawyers wrote great apologies then we would never hear "sorry not sorry" apologies from celebrities.

I'm pretty sure Oates didn't score four goals in his fourth game as a teenager.

Did he score 4 goals as a rookie is his point.

Pictured: Hoboken mayoral candidate, Dawn Zimmer.

Look at the mouth on her. Nice.

That's a Philly 10 right there. The blonde is a Philly 9.

Couple of butterfaces