
Wow, this really does reflect the worst of college bro culture. It's unconscionable that there are college students out there who think that this behavior is okay.

It will be Atl vs Pit and it will go Seven. It's the only way it can happen.

Yup, and where in the MLB CBA is there a 211 game suspension for a first time offender? Where in the CBA does it allow for bribery to take place?

Regarding point 4, an argument can be made that it's improper because the language on how steroids are tested and what the exact punishments would be are very specifically laid out. MLB ignored the testing completely and imposed an ad-hoc, irregular punishment.

It is a Simpsons reference, you clod

Some comedian, maybe Chris Rock, once made the point that just because OJ was guilty didn't mean he wasn't framed. This is the same thing (minus the murders). MLB is the LAPD, plotting the entire time to try and frame someone who was obviously guilty and in the long run ended up hurting their own case more than

So what you're essentially saying is due process is no big deal? Because if even a fraction of these accusations are true, this suspension needs to be tossed. But a person's individual right's are forfeit if we don't like him I guess.

I don't use the word "hero" very often, but Alex Rodriguez is the greatest hero in American history.

I hope Selig gets absolutely hammered in this lawsuit. His stain on baseball is greater than anything AROD could have ever done, and he cemented it with the way he botched, bungled and illegally handled this investigation all to try and frame himself as a savior, instead of the slug that he actually is.

Well, it looks like a clumsy, stiff-legged ram, and has no brain to speak of, so can we just call it Kurt Warner?

I'm sure Gawker would have whoever doing the write up on them to actually have known them. If the network actually wanted to honor this person, they would have done the same. But no - it was for PR, obviously, just like you said- he never met her once and he is in the middle of calling a football game. He doesn't

Where I'm from, "males mistakes" are times like when I go to rent A Few Good Men and accidentally come home with the porno version instead.

By "old school disciplinarian" do you mean "college coach"? Because that's what I hear. And to be honest, when I hear "college coach," I do kind of hear, "complete asshole."

I wouldn't worry too much about Freeman reaching stage 2 of the drug program, as that would require showing progress.

Where did Fitzpatrick go to college again?

Not the first time Muhammad has been cited when two jets hit.

I hear the blight is just lovely this time of year.

humour. you don't get it.


Calling it fan violence is a disservice to the act, and just plays into the media's hands. Shitty people do shitty things, regardless of location.