
Love how you are such a coward that you can’t even use a real account to spew your racist shit. Kaep is a fucking man that stands behind what he says. You, not so much.

He probably just grew his hair out to be prepared for this eventuality.

You seem to be assuming that Jeff Fisher isn’t completely incompetent. That makes you an idiot or naive.

Uhhhhh this Jordan Sargent asshole is writing for deadspin? No thanks. Fire him.

Good truthing. A lot of me dies every time I hear a kid stirring before 6:30

One positive with the demise of Gawker is that Jordan Sargent will be living on $1,500 a month.

Yeah, homicidal maniacs immediately attempt to hit somebody or shoot the victim 27 times. Completely normal response from those lacking in sanity.

Clearly guys that are injured should be at risk for losing their jobs, but those that are suspended by the league are safe from competition. Not that difficult of a concept.

You are assuming that the kid isn’t Flacco’s

Just need a Cowboy to slap it around.

His vomit was yellow.

sucks for you. What a horrible place

Pretty sure he is a cop.

I’m a huge Hinkie guy and that is my only problem with him. Drafting that fat ass POS Okafor when Kristaps was available.

Except they have a couple of solid rotation guys. Noel, Covington, McConnell, and Hollis Thompson.

Which ones? Quick answer for you. Zero of them.

And the game ended at like 11:30 PM and it is still light out.

Glad to see that Greg Paulus is still around the game.

You are so right! There has never been even a borderline college basketball player that has become an All NFL tight end. Can’t happen a third time.

It has long bothered me that he was on the episode with working slobs. He has a checkmark on twitter and 123k followers. He isn’t high enough to be on Celebrity Chopped with B listers like Brandi Chastain and Coolio, but he shouldn’t be on with the working man either. Maybe replacement level C/D listers like Pete