
Don’t go saying that Drew is a celebrity. Don’t want him getting an even bigger head.

No idea what the value will be if #brexit.

For some reason the Intercept hired Biddle.

Kind of a hostile sign off. Did he say that you don’t know football?

Didn’t know that Gossage was a hockey fan.

The ball rolled back on the third try //alwaysbetruthin

So you are saying Beagle has a chance.

Yeah, a 5% increase in odds is pretty massive. And even if Steph is back, is he healthy?

I normally watch women’s softball for the haboobs, but this is a little much.

Yeah and McDonald’s should be able to dump tepid water on old bitches!

Reminds me of the time the guy fell off a cliff trying to escape a Nickelback concert.

Billy Hamilton needs to act like he has been there before and stop showing up other players - Miserable old fucks

Or a second shooter from the grassy knoll.

That would easily explain Smith’s wife being shot also.

Agree, it isn’t a coincidence.

And this is the former cop.

As Abe Lincoln didn’t say “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” Hinkie was sharpening the axe. It doesn’t matter what you do in the three years, it only matters that you get there.

No, Hinkie was the best GM. He built a championship team. Just won’t be around to see it.

Conangelo is the one pulling the long con. He’ll trade the Kings pick for Mike Conley’s three broken knees. I hate this.