
And Wachovia bought First Union (FU Center) which bought CoreStates Bank which orgininally paid for the naming rights.

Is the field judge over 5 feet tall?

In celebration, I will throw myself down a hill

Right people that think people should be paid are really way out there. I assume you get paid in debit cards only usable at your place of employment

You are not really that intelligent. Just noting this for the record. You really take after your namesake.

Not really, saying he was “only” accused leaves it more up in the air as to his shitbaggery. Saying that he was convicted and then it was set aside for legal absurdities reinforces that fact that Hardy is a POS

Yeah!!! Prison rape jokes.

He is a baseball player. See also Curt Schilling, Papelbon, Bud Norris, .....

He has lots of brothers. Dee Duggar more like it.

The Bucs just wipe the feces around the locker room

Jason Sehorn on the coverage. mmm, Angie Harmon

It would not be counterproductive of their goal of employing “experts”

I’m fairly convinced that is ESPN making up stories just to act like they have a wanted guy in their inventory. No NFL team (absent the idiots like Cleveland) is going to hire a guy that hasn’t worked for 5 plus years and would demand complete control. And then his teams were pretty much average for the back part of

He is horrible, not fine. He made my decision to quit watching the NFL much easier.

You ain’t Lyon

And now I have to “watch” another ridiculously long ad. But completely worth it

Brees really reaching great heights to be listed with 4 other guys that went #1 overall.

If Republicans manage to do away with abortion, this can marketed as the solution.

If Republicans manage to do away with abortion, this can marketed as the solution.

WTF cares about putting a hole in the wall? Spackle covers holes up in a second.

WTF cares about putting a hole in the wall? Spackle covers holes up in a second.

For any 30-40 somethings that want to make their house capture the feel of a watching video in high school civics, this is perfect. For others, it looks like a hot mess.

For any 30-40 somethings that want to make their house capture the feel of a watching video in high school civics,