
The kid will only make that mistake once.

The kid will only make that mistake once.

I have to remind myself that some birds aren’t meant to be freed.

If you are already married, be cheap, you ain’t getting any anyways.

Sherman? Maxwell was already burned by Atlanta.

EYE wood never right an artical that cood hert my erning powerr. - Floyd Mayweather

If their parents basement doesn’t have a strong cell signal many bloggers will have difficulty printing tickets.

Can you work from home if you don’t have good cell service? Asking for an editor.

You would think that his parents would have a land line if they are in a cell free zone. Or maybe communicate via CB or skype.

Looks just like him, what a shame

Unless the guy is a star.

I wonder how much he got fined the time he painted the hotel walls with vomit.

True, but having Bernie Lomax as the head coach has already ruined the program.

Presumably nothing

It isn’t a huge deal in this respect. It is a huge deal when you back off and get beat at the line. It isn’t a huge deal you when are talking of going from 9.58 to 9.55. It would also be a big deal he ran 9.52 and “could” have run 9.49. But that isn’t the case, so 9.58 is just as meaningless as 9.55

He looked to the side with about two meters left in the 100. His time would have maybe been a couple of hundredths faster. So his 9.58 turns into 9.55. BFD

Now playing

You got it, he is nothing but a glory boy. Needs some more grit

Max Read would have published the list. Thankfully Max Read took his ball and went home.

Scott Mitchell got more money than Matt Flynn did with Seattle and he was 15 years before him. Hard to beat the Scott Mitchell contract for a backup.