
I just want to reiterate and say no, also.

My thoughts exactly.

Yeah they may dominate sales, but in the gaming world Nintendo is not the most powerful name in my opinion. In a non-gamers world, Nintendo may be the most powerful name, but to hardcore gamers, Microsoft or Sony would take the cake.

They should call it the Woo.

Sly 2, really? I haven't played the whole trilogy yet, but Sly 1 kept my interest a LOT better then Sly 2 is. I'm on act 4 right now....buuut still a great game. Either way I'm pumped for this

Thats all that comes to mind now when I see anything about NBC.

That's true.

True story. You know what I liked though, was when Dance Central came out and their commercials made fun of Just Dance...doesn't seem like a good marketing technique to me to pick on the most popular dance game that just went multiplatform.

To build a fanbase so they can have a good launch title for their next console that generates a decent amount of hype and excitement?

Bit soon to be judging, wouldn't you say?

I got them for $20 together at K-mart a while back, but yeah MSRP is $40 I think.

Not saying that's how I think, but was just how I interpreted the comment.

That's awesome. I love hearing about older generations getting into gaming.

If not, they are implying that the money and time spent making this peripheral could have been spent on something in the game (thus, we are paying for that instead of what could have been some in game content or something)

"West and Zampella were in the wrong, they know they were in the wrong, and they were very quick to use Activision's unfavorable reputation within the gaming community to quickly win over the court of public opinion. It worked, as thousands and thousands of gamers have taken the bait based solely on their disdain for

The games don't really look that complicated to get out....as for the memory card, may be a bit harder, but why would you really be swapping your memory card out all the time? If the flaps break, at leas it doesn't ruin the system.

Personally, I like it.

If they made a billion dollars so fast why cant they give away elite for free ;)?

This. Naughty Dog makes games that are fun to play. I play games to have fun.

Is this factoring in the cost of Call Of Duty Elite, also? That's another $59.99 making the grand total closer to $120.