
@darklighter: Hey, they had a good win streak foe a while. Granted, it was against the worst teams in the league... but let's not cloud the issue with facts.

13th Floor anyone?

@FrankN.Stein: Makes me think that margarita I had for lunch isn't enough.

@erischilde: I don't know that I'd have anything left.

Thank you!


What I didn't get was why they had to stay behind to finish the upload. Why couldn't they just set it and wait for it to finish on Destiny?

Would the Droid be the MOTO Milestone on their page?

@derilium: I think he has a valid point. If you're going to do something, do it right.

@FlawedHero: I highly doubt that that's what is going on. They don't do data recovery. From experience with laptop manufacturers and their repair procedures, they are simply going to swap out the hard drive. It sounds like the warranty would have covered it, except for the sharpie all over the label. In which case,

I have only ever purchased one app without trying it. The MLB app is incredible if you're a fan, and I don't even balk too hard at the $14 price tag.

@Hayca: Not sure why you had to use false info. My cousin lives in Costa Rica and was able to create an account. He buys things and ships them to a place in FL that receives them for him and then ships them to him but he could also have them shipped directly to him.

Looks better than any English muffin I've ever had.

@aratuk: What kind of bread is that? It looks yummy! :)

@triggerx: I got mine at Safeway for $9. Which is still more than a regular bulb, but sips power in comparison. I'm sure I'll make up the difference in price through the lifetime of the bulb. Not sure I would if I had to pay the $40 listed though.

That is awesome! I needed a good story like that this morning as I prepare to go interview for my next opportunity to screw things up. ;)