Ain't no party like a Pinkie Pie party, cause a Pinkie Pie party don't stop!
Ain't no party like a Pinkie Pie party, cause a Pinkie Pie party don't stop!
Spent 4+ years spiraling into severe AN, and it took another decade to gain a real grasp of it. I had a therapist tell me that having an ED can be worse than alcoholism in that you can avoid drinking but you cannot avoid food.
I never thought it was so rare to be a native until my last few years there when every person I met would marvel I was from there.
Not your fault! I only know this being one of the oft discussed but never seen, native Angelenos. Yes, we do exist. Like unicorns.
"Several years ago I made the mistake of going into Macy's at the Beverly Center."
Being around ten pony years myself, I can tell you I still shop at stores that sell exclusively juniors. While I would love to be able to shop at stores that provide "more stylish options," my non-existent hips and tiny ass prevent it.