
A litter of kittens could never be as ugly as this thing.

One day, the kids will see the movie and ask, “Did it really happen like that?” And we will shake our heads sadly and explain that, no, it was so much stupider.

I hope all you dumb mother fuckers who voted for Trump realize now, finally, that the dirt bag you elected will only coddle you and tell you sweet nothings until it doesn’t suit his personal gain. Comey was his best buddy not too long ago and won him his spot, now that he’s exhausted his usefulness he goes bye bye.

Repeating stupid lies makes you look like a shit-eating dumbass. Every one of these sentences:

Can you show me any other OEM with a lineup in those segments that isn’t bland and boring? Every single automaker has boring ass cars because the segments demand boring ass cars. That’s what sells.

Jason, we love you but you are dead wrong about this car.... You can spell BOOBS on the calculator when you roll it.

Well, we already know how the Nixon Presidential Library covered it:

Way too sophisticated and left-wing for Sunkist Hitler. Don’t forget that Ted Geisel drew this amazing cartoon during the 1940's:

Are their high transaction prices being buoyed by the Escalade, though? It accounts for 1 in 8 of their YTD sales.

He’s on pace to outspend everyone before him by a large margin, he uses travel to benefit his own businesses and he went after his predessor hard for spending less money.

Aw shit...

This is the necessary outcome of electing a party who believes that government is incompetent. They will fill the government with incompetent dunces in order to fulfill their own prophecy.

Jeff Sessions hates sniggers.

As I understand part of the reason both left was because of the artificial deadlines and need to cut corners to get the cars done quickly or winsome fake contest. I doubt very much theyd be interested in doing a competition show where those factors get magnified a dozen fold.

I would watch the fuck out of the Edd and Aaron show.

It’s almost like there’s some kind of value in political experience.

Maybe that says more about you than her.

Fuck Wall Street. This “Street” punished American Airlines stock because they decided to give their employees raises while they, according to some analysts, gave their shareholders sloppy seconds. I know AA has nothing to do with Jalopnik, but fuck Wall Street.

I feel like I’m missing the context of her statement about “who cashes her check.” (I mean doesn’t she cash her check? Did she mean she knows who signs her check?) I could understand what she was trying to say if someone had asked her a question about Trump, but it seems like a non-sequitur tacked on to the end of a