
Yes. How is it he is vindicated now that the chief law enforcement official in the country confirmed all the worst things he has been accused of. Not to mention the ‘effin FBI director called the president a liar in front of the world. I hope I’m never vindicated like this.

FYI, shortly after they stopped filming that high speed section, that truck (Jan de Rooy’s Daf) crashed hard and the Navigator was killed.

Having a car I don’t really like means I don’t have to waste time washing it. I don’t have to worry where I park it or whether I lock the doors. I also enjoy that I can just blast errant orange construction barrels that decide to roll into my lane. I can get it as muddy as I want. 6k rpm clutch drops. It is fun to

High RPMs kills engine longevity more than cylinder pressure. Turbo engines provide better performance at lower RPMs than do NA engines that you have to rev the snot out of to perform. The lower rev. limit of turbo engines and the ability to briskly accelate without needing to downshift will likely more than offset


So the GOP doesn’t see any problem when they entire world, minus Republicans, think climate change is an issue needing attention? Or that the whole world, except Republicans, understands that Russia was obviously meddling? You would think that you might re-think your positions when the entire world thinks all your

I like talking about my dogs anytime. Other topics are hit and miss depending on my mood.

4) Thanks Obama! They will continue to use that for everything that goes wrong.

To me the analogy is Bannon calling in an artillery strike danger close to his own position. It might work to take out Kushner, but he is likely to take himself and Trump out at the same time.

While I appreciate seeing this administration eat their own, if this is really Bannon leaking, then it makes me wonder how much of the details we have heard are actually real. I really hope that WaPo checked some of these details against other sources to confirm they were not just being fed bullshit. I understand

This likely will have a direct effect upon the corporate bottom line. The other issues, while clearly abominable, wouldn’t have deleterious effects on profits the same way that having their products boycotted/taxed by the rest of the world will.

I’m fully expecting congressional republicans to spend 10s of millions of dollars investigating why Trump lied to America about Casinoghazi. Trump lied, 37 died!

They basically hacked 25 feet out of the jungle, then winched. Repeat. It is a stretch to say they really drove the distance. It was brute force to prove they could do it.

Has your section been run in previous races or are these virgin tracks?

Additionally, previous back channels existed to further the official government diplomatic goals. The Trump/Kushner one is to not only circumvent the intelligence community, but it is in support of a transition team that has zero diplomatic responsibilities.

I think there are probably a number of legitimate reasons for the government to have back channel communications. But the big issue here is that this wasn’t for the government. This was on behalf of the transition team, not the administration itself. I can’t think of any legitimate reason a transition team would

Be careful not to fall for the push back from the Trump hive on this. They are saying, “it’s no big deal. We have back channel/off the record communications with lots of countries. This is totally a normal thing. FDR did it all the time with Stalin.”

If someone is under Secret Service protection and another law enforcement agency attempts to serve an arrest warrant the SS will comply and allow the arrest, correct?

I wonder if David Tracy’s landlords would be ok with this?

It is probably a legitimate concern if these were leaked from actual U.S. intelligence agents. However, I think it isn’t implausible that they were leaked by someone closer to Trump and the Whitehouse. Once they were aware that it was an Islamic terrorist act they would want that information out as soon as possible.