
and that said, I expect we will hear from some diehard Jeep fans about how this new version is a total abomination because _________.

Another thing, I don’t think anyone running the GOP thought there was any chance that they would actually control both houses of Congress and the Presidency. They could spew insanity knowing that the Democrats would act as a backstop to prevent any of the crazy ideas from being implemented.

My only thought on an end game is that (fingers crossed) it is a delay tactic that will keep a GOP nomination off the court until the Russian investigation can drag the entire current administration under.

If they are desperate to expand market share, maybe they should give Sergio a call and make a deal for FCA.

Although they fucked this up, it is an ominous sign that their is a ton of this dark money out there that is going to be used to brainwash the easily manipulated Americans who will continue to support the people that are fucking them over.

and how many times did they vote to repeal it when Obama was still in charge? It was easy when they knew it didn’t really matter because it would never get through the Senate, let alone have President Obama to sign it. Now that they have the power to do it, their bluff has been called.

So after all that, his conclusion is that this shit pile bill causes a problem that someone else should fix.

Now playing

A Jalop is attracted to burnout videos very similarly to how this golden retriever is attracted to hot dogs.

People sometimes joke that big automakers are really better described as finance companies that build cars. The finance arms are an important revenue generators.

In know Trump has been a big fan of capital punishment. I wonder what his position is on the death penalty as it relates to treason.

Shit, the Trump administration is actually making Watergate people look like good guys.

Now playing

I can’t find anything of my dogs in the car, but I have a video of one of my dogs chasing my car.

Is there any statistical data that shows inspections states have a better safety record than non-inspection states. How much of a difference will it actually make. I know it might seem obvious that inspections should be required, but there are a lot of things that seem obvious that don’t actually work out like

Not trying to defend Trump in any way, but a year ago there was a laptop bomb detonated on a Somali plane. It was held by a passenger against the fuselage and it blew a about a 3 foot hole in the plane. The plane maintained control and landed. The only casualty was the bomber, who was sucked out of the plane. If it

Being stuck long term in an Antarctic ice flow doesn’t seem like a great vacation, but maybe they could hope for a failure that would only allow them to sail as far as Tahiti.

I’m glad I’m not the only whose first thought was, “I want to eat it.”

I imagine blowing holes in “La Pared” with improvised truck bombs will become the next great Northern Mexican pasttime.

Some kind of cabbage/sauerkraut.

A couple years ago a co-worker looked horrible and was having trouble staying awake in the office. I asked her if she was OK and she said she was cramping so she took some Advil PM(!) before work. You know, the Advil “Pre-Menstrual” tablets. I don’t know if she paid extra for them.

So is she going to kick it soon? Are there any places that are taking wagers on the DOD?