
Onion dip is an over-glorified, slightly thicker ranch dressing that can only be eaten with plain potato chips. Pub cheese is a magical substance made of magical ingredients. It can be dipped with or poured on anything. Two-thirds of you are worthless.

Fortunately the other team was just a load of whites.

Geez, what a thug. He just said he goes into the strip club and doesn't even tip.

NCAA Athlete: I'm just not really sure about all this union stuff, what do you think, Mark?

Please, god, let this mean that someday we can act like Macklemore's records never happened. . .

"Fifty-three yards into the wind? F that"

As further evidence of Musberger trying to sound "hip," Mushnick pointed out that he kept referring to "pop" as "soda" and "negroes" as "people."

"As a guy who moved from Ohio to D.C. to take a better job, I have but one piece of advice: the road trip to Buffalo is a killer."

What a great performance by LeBatard, but his Deadspin HOF candidacy is tainted by the era in which he works at ESPN.

Tiny Tim needs to get the fuck over it already.

Nelson Mandela, 1918-2013

"A little thing that can turn into anything at anytime."

What happened to just cutting the fucking sleeves off, Belichick? You've changed, man.

Makes sense that Pacquaio doesn't have anything in the bank, Filipinos keep all their money in these: