
It's a baby Silkie chicken! It's hatch-mate didn't make it and his surrogate momma hen was being neglectful so the little dude had to come live in a box in the house. He/she very lonely though and scream-peeps until I come get it so it's been spending a lot of time playing and napping in my lap or pecking around on my

There is no makeup in the world that's "healthy" to sleep in, let alone actively good for your skin and eyelashes. This reminds me of the sudden occurrence of "overnight hair balms." Way to find a new way to sell us stuff, I guess.

puh-leez. "distracted" should be my middle name.

Don't be a prick, damaging someone's family relic historically has been enough impetus for murder.

Hey! I'm a size-4 trying to lose 10 pounds... don't hate on me! Everybody's got their body issues and has their own way of dealing with them :-(secretly sobs inside).

sigh. I just remember the original Jez. A gal can dream.

But, isn't that true for every country?

Flip it around: Raise prices to the level that they need to be to keep executives making what they now make, and allow the lowest workers to make $15.00/hr and no one would shop there. We caused this.

"Racism is against people of color, sexism against women"

I hear ya, but my dog goes naked in the house when I'm home. Anything I can do to give him a break from collar rub helps his fur!

To be fair, so does this dog.

The law makes it clear that if you get any parentage you get full parentage, which means if you bring a suit so that you can see this kid, you also get to pay child support.

Now playing

Obviously JT has never seen the classic Take Back the Night episode of 90210, which includes some weird rape culturey bullshit about a troubled girl making up a fake rape accusation against Steve Sanders (or was she? What an ambiguous and weird episode) and Kelly Taylor speaking at the rally about the time she dressed

This is unusual behavior for a lab. They should not be giving medical advice. They should be giving the test results to your doctor who will give the medical advice. Sounds shady to me.

I used to let this (strikingly similar) issue get to me, but at this point I've just had to learn to let it go for my own good. I don't think it would have helped for me to say anything to her, because she wouldn't have gotten any sort of lesson out of it, I would have been painted to look like the jerk, and in the

I agree

My partner is Latina and she's noticed that women of color get treated much differently on this site. Rihanna, Beyonce and now Sofia. Sadly, I'm not sure I would have picked up on it myself but I feel like I should say something even if the comment gets deleted.

I don't have a problem with her buying purses with money she earned. She's right, better purses that hold their value than drugs and alcohol (I'm looking at your Lindsey Lohan)

No, this is pretty much standard Jezebel fodder.

I'm sorry, I thought I was at Jezebel, where Worst Human Being Alive is more likely to be applied to an actual monster of a human being, say Ariel Castro. Instead, I see we are supposed to revile a woman for acknowledging and taking pleasure in her financial successes after many years in her industry. It's like