George Alexander Louis looks fine (and handsome.) What is going on with that composite of Lively/Reynolds?
Let's first cast the idea of "strong enough" out the window.
You should eat fruit. Scurvy sucks. As do muscle spasms/arrhythmia from potassium deficiency.
Your cardiologist is an idiot.
It was like two people having completely different conversations.
I'm pretty sure Tom Arnold "won" that fight, in both realspeak and not being married to crazy anymore.
This is true. While I remain liberal on many issues, there are a few area in which I have become more conservative. Nowhere near being a "conservative", mind you, but I've become less idealistic about some things.
OK, that's great and all but how do I get a girl who likes cars to not be a total tool around me?
I took the .gif as "Lindy is done jerking off now" .... no?
Yeah, at this point I think all our friends know that from 6pm his Friday (4am my Friday) until 8am his Monday (6pm my Sunday), we're not available because we've got the computers open and are watching TV shows and movies together, playing video games, napping together (or *cough* more *cough*), or the cats have run…
I had a sad today. Now I has a happy.
Hey now. They'll have a token minority. They have FRIENDS.
Indeed, progressives will be surprised by how many leftists take an ideological about-face when they become older. Many members of my family remind me about that.
Pretty much anyone who threatens suicide will be put on 5150 holds if the police/emergency services are involved. It's not "common" in that the person has to be a danger to herself or others but non-celebrities are put on this hold fairly often because of the aforementioned suicidal ideation. I don't think child stars…
Then it became a bitter, hateful burnout in Australia.
Oh they totally do this. None of them have accents, it's all just a show. If you say the same word three different ways in the space of an hour I call bullshit on your language.
Cough, our language first, Doodle Dandy.