
Don’t worry Libs have no issue eating there own. Cannibalism is what the left is best at these days. Truth is most far left people from the 80/90s are now considered moderate right. And anything other than far left hate spewing is acceptable to Gawker Media blogs

They wont change there ways. They dont care. Look at how the CEO of gearbox is running his both and bad mouthing and cursing out people on twitter over the epic store vs steam deal. These people only care about the $$ bottom line not the longevity of pleasing the fan base.

thats not how to works that extra 18% goes straight to the upper management. Get a clue. 

welp im not buying it now i dont need to download more shit thats gonna clog up my computer especially chinese game stores with bad security. 

that would qualify as harrassment even if he is guilty and they will not ban him unless facing backlash themselves.

wotc magic scene is full of a load of proven Pedos so nothing surprises me in the magic scene when i played the game decades ago in a comic shop season/league setup it was amazing how many wierdo predators played Magic and Pokemon. Guys and girls alike. 

Not that i know this guy or follow the magic scene tho i did play the game decades ago; but you know according to this article these women allowed him to continously send them text ...... YOU CAN BLOCK PEOPLE... People must not know of this miraculous function.

Do you wake up every morning and just decide to make up shit. Colin sucked at football period. If he had an ounce of skill/value he woulda been playing in the NFL instead of being dropped on his head regardless of what political statements me made. Football team owners dont give a shit about what their players do as

they are making promises they cant keep. Most of the USA has shitty internet. Most dont have a dependable constant connection with little to no latency/ping. They dont have a market for this. Google might be smart about many things but this isnt one of them.

Your a fucking idiot. Period. 

Do i want to see this movie? Yes because im grew up on comics. But i dont think the directors or Disney understood this character. They just thought they could play the politics line and it would sell itself. I dont want politics in my entertainment. Im tired of the bitching from both sides. I dont watch the news or

they looked more like everyday average stereotypes than avengers..

Did you ever stop to think that the schools are poorer because the communities are poorer because the people living in them have run them into the ground. its the people that make the community and if they treat theyre neighborhoods like trash and each other like trash then there schools will be trash. Stop with the

Nice to see you are supporting the KH3 team which covered up a series of repulsive events including rape and wrongfull termination of an employee and corporate harassment. Keep it classy Kotaku

why arnt you reporting on the Kingdom Hearts Dev team sexual harrassment scandal? Scared?

swelling to penis after using penis pump..... thats what its supposed to do...its the whole point.

you mean the most SJW anime of 2018 so many other titles that where far superior to the trash you listed.

Where you born this stupid and racist. 

how about you go fuck yourself blizzard. Chinese disease ridden mobile game. Where everything will be pay to win.

Sorry but this guy acts like and is a douchebag attention whore