
I dusted off my Vita and restarted playing through Atelier Meruru. Rorona and Totori are two of my most played Vita games so its about time I finally finished off the Arland trilogy. Im into Year 3 now and its been great. I love Merurus energy and her interactions with Keina and Gio and like always its great to see s

I dont play D2 but reading about this upgradable armor reminds me of the relic weapons from FFXIV. The difference is FFXIV relic weapons were supposed to be a long term grind aimed at casual players (casual in terms of the difficulty of the content they would play). I like the idea of this upgradable armor. I hope

Kirk you need to go next level and make a mineral oil submerged build.

Amulet is great. I used to read it when I was working at Sueperstore and slacking off. That and Bone were two of the best comics they had.

Heres something that the article doesn’t even mention, but youll read about if you follow the link to Eanae’s post (seriously go read it, it’ll be a lot more informative than this article) about losing partner status. The r/ffxiv discord had a NSFW channel in place BEFORE being partnered yet Discord still gave them

I will never get tired of that gif

Someone educate me. How does this IRL streaming work with these guys going all over the place, out on the streets, into bars, into restaurants etc.? Do they have to get permission from the establishment managers/owners beforehand? How are they even streaming? Dragging around a laptop or a tablet or something? Also seem

Anime skipped Red Vegeta and had Vegeta whip out Blue suddenly. Manga shows Red Vegeta because you cant get to Blue without getting Red first.

Ill agree with that but it doesn’t mean that we cant have more intricate designs. I wish they had done something more with it, even if it was just a spider logo, something more creative. Looking at the Nier: Automata PS4 Slim that thing looks far more interesting and all it is is Emil. The KH 15th Anniversary PS4 Sli

Its ridiculously plain. Like others said its a red PS4 with a simple decal slapped on it. Actually I looked up a list of all the LE PS4s and many of them have really simple designs on them. The Destiny: TTK PS4 is still the best looking one of them.

I can imagine game streaming to suceed easily in places like Japan, but never in North America.

At least Shroud is taking it in stride and isn’t having some crazy meltdown where he blames everyone else. Hes doing the sane thing to do in this situation which is to just play other games while waiting for the ban to expire.

Its been like 12 or more years since I watched Tree of Might but younger me thought it was a cool movie, but I thought anything DBZ related was freaking awesome. Turles looking identically to Goku always confused the shit out of me back then.

pointing to the open seats (with an open palm, of course)

Im not a fan of bringing back Broly because hes already had like two movies. Plus the early speculation about the villian for this movie being the first Super Sayian is a lot more interesting than lmao Broly

I love multi-phase boss battles. For me it makes it all the more epic and finally killing it for good all the more satisfying.

Man GIFs are cool and all but they’ve out stayed their usefulness. Im still waiting on more adoption of WebM use. WebM is like GIF but with audio support and better compression so you get either better quality for the same file size or a longer WebM for the same quality as a GIF.

Regardless of the relative levels of offensiveness of her tweets, you’re at least acknowledging that they are offenseive. The article presents her tweet as if its just a one off thing and she was fired solely for that. But in reality, there are a number of tweets you can easily point to that show that a company like

i just checked out the KIA subreddit since Id never even heard of it before. Seriously the only place I ever see Gamergate being brought up anymore is on Kotaku. But a link on the front page of the KIA subreddit to this tweet:

We War of Kings now