At least Shroud is taking it in stride and isn’t having some crazy meltdown where he blames everyone else. He’s doing the sane thing to do in this situation which is to just play other games while waiting for the ban to expire.
At least Shroud is taking it in stride and isn’t having some crazy meltdown where he blames everyone else. He’s doing the sane thing to do in this situation which is to just play other games while waiting for the ban to expire.
Its been like 12 or more years since I watched Tree of Might but younger me thought it was a cool movie, but I thought anything DBZ related was freaking awesome. Turles looking identically to Goku always confused the shit out of me back then.
pointing to the open seats (with an open palm, of course)
I’m not a fan of bringing back Broly because hes already had like two movies. Plus the early speculation about the villian for this movie being the first Super Sayian is a lot more interesting than lmao Broly
I love multi-phase boss battles. For me it makes it all the more epic and finally killing it for good all the more satisfying.
Man GIFs are cool and all but they’ve out stayed their usefulness. I’m still waiting on more adoption of WebM use. WebM is like GIF but with audio support and better compression so you get either better quality for the same file size or a longer WebM for the same quality as a GIF.
Regardless of the relative levels of offensiveness of her tweets, you’re at least acknowledging that they are offenseive. The article presents her tweet as if its just a one off thing and she was fired solely for that. But in reality, there are a number of tweets you can easily point to that show that a company like…
i just checked out the KIA subreddit since I’d never even heard of it before. Seriously the only place I ever see Gamergate being brought up anymore is on Kotaku. But a link on the front page of the KIA subreddit to this tweet:
We War of Kings now
Woah a non $2 indie game for Vita? What timeline am I in?
Everyone knows Kojumbo genius. Therefore, the game is brilliant.
A $200 controller is cool and all and I’m sure its great some great features like that rear paddle, but how about a $50 (or less) controller that just has better battery life over the regular DS4?
Its in a seperate OST that has music from all (or many) of the raids and just came out recently. Its called Time and Again - Final Fantasy XIV: Raid Dungeon Themes. Heres a link to the store listing:
Looks like I’m not buying any games until DQXI in September.
I can easily see Riot reverting these changes. Remember how teams were doing the lane swaps at the start of the match so the normal top laner would go bottom and try to stall the enemy ADC+support, and the ADC+support would go top to get a quick tower kill? Riot didn’t like that even though that accelerated the game a…
Me and a friend used to run Malphite+Taric bot lane around Season 3. Hit level 6 and wreck the enemy ADC. Our team would get so mad at our picks because they were unusual but once they saw the results it was just the opposing team that was mad. I guess we were just ahead of the times. Also ran a super annoying (for…
Yes how shocking that a cosplayer would want to look more like an anime character.
Very brave but shit taste
What is the story in DMC anymore? I don’t think I’ve ever understood it