Its condensing 70 levels worth of skill descriptions and usage into a single picture. Also split nicely into categories so you can only look at the areas you’re interested in. Sounds pretty good to me if you want a quick run down of the job.
Its condensing 70 levels worth of skill descriptions and usage into a single picture. Also split nicely into categories so you can only look at the areas you’re interested in. Sounds pretty good to me if you want a quick run down of the job.
From how I’ve heard other people tell it, the order you use your abilities is much more important in FFXIV than compared to WoW. In FFXIV nailing your opener is absolutely crucial which is why you’ll always see flow charts detailing what to do in your opener (approx. the first 30s of the fight). Once you have your…
Same here, I don’t get. A bit more background would be nice.
Thats right. I was going to post this to. Japan requires games to disclose the rates of their lootboxes/gatchas. Which is great if you play a JP mobile game.
On the topic of themes, can you make custom themes like you could for PS3 where you can change the appearnace of basically everything?
It would have been so much better if they had goku and vegeta fuse and that fused being had complete UI since everyone kept going on and on about Goku having a defense UI and Vegeta getting offensive UI.
the battery life seems comparable
A JP group actually cleared the fight last night. Expect more groups to follow and a clear video within the week
Except you’re getting it wrong. This is a raid encounter, not a primal one. Normal/Savage is the correct terminology here, not Hard/Extreme.
And then at some point you get frustrated with it all or get tired of the grind and quit cold turkey by giving your account away to a stranger on the internet
Came for speech, stayed for the amazing, off the walls fighting games.
>minor glyph
So only ESL events will be streamed to Facebook I take it? Thats not really a killing blow to Twitch by any measure.
This is pretty interesting. People are spending thousands on multiple graphics cards so how does that stack up to spending thousands on an ASIC? A friend of mine bought once recently for ~1700 USD and he says he is able to mine $2o of BTC/day. I don’t really follow along with all this cryptocurrency stuff so I don’t…
I always say this and I’ll say it again - I can’t understand how anyone can play (and spend money on) gatcha games with such low rates. YuYuYui has a 5% SSR (equivalent to a 5 star in other games) rate, when it launched they even had it at 7% as a promotion, and occasional banners have a boost to 6%. It is by far one…
The trailer has got me interested in the story at least. Heres hoping they answer the questions that they know everyone is asking.
I’m in the middle of my first complete SG-1 rewatch (I’m on season 6 right now) and Teal’c is always so freakin awesome.
Its pretty odd that they would introduce an item like this along with that mastery when over the past couple years they’ve been patching and rebalance champions, turrets, items, etc. to speed games up and now they’ve ground them to a halt.