
So how come a group of publishers haven’t come along and created their own ESRB? It would be backed by said publishers, and if the publishers are influential enough they could stop others from using ESRB and use their publisher approved version. Get Amazon and other big retailers on board and you’re good to go. Why

I haven’t followed CoD in a long time. Do they still have 3 studios working on 3 year dev cycle so Activision can pump out a CoD game every year?

If Microsoft had somehow gotten Monster Hunter as an exclusive the Xbone would have been flying off the shelves

I don’t see how this is any different than hosting another’s channel. Except you all go to the same chat now? I didn’t even know that the hoster’s chat was kept seperate from the hostee’s.

I remeber the first time I played DS1. I chose the hardest difficulty available and man did was it hard. Ammo was scarce so you had to get real creative with some of the encounters. Slowing down enemies so I could run up to them and just melee them to death so I could conserve ammo, making sure I always used

Did you read Jason’s article from a couple days ago? It was a lot of things including unrealistic (sales) expectations, lack of support (Visceral needed a team of almost 200 to make an Uncharted level game but for the majority of it they only had like 40-60 people), forcefull change (going for third person horror game

You could say, in a way, the lack of support, unrealistic expectations, and forcefully change that EA instituted on Visceral was EA’s way of cutting off Visceral’s limbs

How are the subs? I’ve been following along with the differences between Amazon and fansub translations for YuYuYu S2 and I feel like the fansubs have been overall better and Amazon’s translators have made some questionable choices

Its a show. Houseki no Kuni. Its currently airing in japan, will run for 12 eps. Not sure if any streaming services have it but I would bet on it. Its also an adaptation from a manga

I havne’t played LoL in years but its nice to see that Galio is actually finally viable compared to the joke it was a couple years ago

just shoot him with a laser gun

I would place the blame directly at the feet of EA execs. These execs are so disconnected from reality that they couldn’t see the obvious. You have a studio that makes a certain type of game then you want them to make a totally different type of game, while expecting it to be able to compete with a game made by a

Is there anywhere else to go for these projects if they decide to leave Patreon? It seems like everyone running these sorts of NSFW projects use Patreon. I’ve never heard of any sort of real alternative to it.

I think a kneejerk complete denial of there not possibly being something going on here was a mistake by Bungie. They should have said “hey we don’t ban for 3p software but we’re going to look into this further incase there were any false positives”. It would save them from getting a ton of flak later if it does turn

Thats what I gathered from the reviews and video footage I saw of D2 and lead to me not getting it. I’m glad for the people that are enjoying it but I don’t think its for me

The 2003 series and the 2017 series cover different material from the LN(?) source. From what I know at most there will be 3 episodes that cover the same stuff between the two series but the rest will be different

Black Clover (great show, too much yelling)

Damn only $60? I’ve dropped more on shitty mobage

Damn only $60? I’ve dropped more on shitty mobage

Apparently the only reason Sheena is/was even still on the staff is because she had control of the ovh account that things were run from

Omegamon Zwart is like Omegamon but evil? Virus type? IDK. The Digimon rabbit hole goes deep with alternate types, X-antibody forms, and all sorts of shit.