
Its a show. Houseki no Kuni. Its currently airing in japan, will run for 12 eps. Not sure if any streaming services have it but I would bet on it. Its also an adaptation from a manga

I havne’t played LoL in years but its nice to see that Galio is actually finally viable compared to the joke it was a couple years ago

just shoot him with a laser gun

I would place the blame directly at the feet of EA execs. These execs are so disconnected from reality that they couldn’t see the obvious. You have a studio that makes a certain type of game then you want them to make a totally different type of game, while expecting it to be able to compete with a game made by a

Is there anywhere else to go for these projects if they decide to leave Patreon? It seems like everyone running these sorts of NSFW projects use Patreon. I’ve never heard of any sort of real alternative to it.

I think a kneejerk complete denial of there not possibly being something going on here was a mistake by Bungie. They should have said “hey we don’t ban for 3p software but we’re going to look into this further incase there were any false positives”. It would save them from getting a ton of flak later if it does turn

Thats what I gathered from the reviews and video footage I saw of D2 and lead to me not getting it. I’m glad for the people that are enjoying it but I don’t think its for me

The 2003 series and the 2017 series cover different material from the LN(?) source. From what I know at most there will be 3 episodes that cover the same stuff between the two series but the rest will be different

Black Clover (great show, too much yelling)

Damn only $60? I’ve dropped more on shitty mobage

Damn only $60? I’ve dropped more on shitty mobage

Apparently the only reason Sheena is/was even still on the staff is because she had control of the ovh account that things were run from

Omegamon Zwart is like Omegamon but evil? Virus type? IDK. The Digimon rabbit hole goes deep with alternate types, X-antibody forms, and all sorts of shit.

Also don’t forget theres 512 (I think) apartments per ward per housing area. While the apartments aren’t full fledged houses they still allow you to do most of the things houses do.

You could but you would have to be ready to pay a lot more than the plot is worth to the plot’s owner for them to let it go and then you would have to buy the now vacant plot itself from the server. Its not impossible, but you will require a lot of gil.

Kadokawa has been shady as fuck throughout this whole thing. The latest theory I heard (but entirely unproven last I checked) was that this is all a result of internal dispute in Kadokawa. The story goes that Kemono Friends is a product of the book division but with the success of the anime the anime division wants

Hey Bashcraft you should do an article on the fire Kadokawa set on Kemono Friends

I don’t see any way someone could be mad about how Atlus went about this. Literally the most reasonable way this could have gone down. Instead of targeting the entire emulator or Patreon they just went with getting them to remove references to their game.

If you’re in Canada like me you’ve already seen video games go from the old $60 price point to $70 and even $80 and I’m sure we’ll see $90 games soon. You end up just buying less games overall or waiting longer to play the games you want because you hope a sale might be just around the corner.

Hah yeah everyime I see Atlus mentioned in an article I wonder what happened to this game

Feels more like both players trying their hardest to throw the match. But I’m sure that isn’t the case at all