Yay! I'd still love a bamboo steamer because they look so damn pretty when the veggies are arranged nicely in them and it cuts down on the waste. Have you used one before?
Yay! I'd still love a bamboo steamer because they look so damn pretty when the veggies are arranged nicely in them and it cuts down on the waste. Have you used one before?
I think even Jezebel is aware how problematic she is and doesn't feature her a whole lot on here. She's featured on Tweet Beat sometimes and she wrote a piece recently that got positive coverage on here. When I first heard about her book, I was all excited to read it, but when her dismissive comments about the lack of…
Thank you to everyone for your help and advice, you've given me hope that I can get this cooking shit down. If there is any other social media advice you guys can throw my way, I'd love that too. I think I'll just just off with the blog and Facebook. Twitter is a different beast I'm not ready for yet. I have an…
But you guys have all those amazing farmer's markets. I is jealous.
Ah. I was about to ask if I should worry about the BPA thing if I'm nuking all these veggies in plastic. I was also thinking about getting a bamboo steamer.
Pudding made with avocado?! Does it taste good? I'm not the biggest fan of them.
I've seen her site recommended a few times on here before but have never tried any of her recipes, I love how she breaks down the cost of everything. I do wonder where she shops because she's located in New Orleans, and it feels like you have to have a small fortune to even stay there for a day (we do all the touristy…
Sneaky! I like it. I hear that WF isn't as good a company to work for compared to Trader Joe's. I more I find out about the CEO the less I want to do with that place, but damn, it's the only grocery store with any decent produce or bomb cheeses around here.
Morgan Freeman agrees with all of this.
But, but, but the cheeses! The booze! The sweets!! I can't quit it! The produce looks so fresh and nice. I have this odd pickiness about produce (if it looks a certain way, I get all grossed out and don't want to eat it, don't get me started on fruit smells when it gets ripe and US fruit in grocery stores is usually…
Social media being all-consuming for me is what worries me. I already spend so much time on my computer (usually on here or bullshitting around), but for it to me part of my job?! On one end, it would lead to some great opportunities, the other, I'd even be more anti-social than I am already.
I just took a peek at it, it's very nice looking. And...got directed to Chicago Public Library's YouMedia tumblr! That's what I need to see, it's amazing looking, and filled with photos of all the events and workshops they do.
Thank you! I have been a bit unorganized muddied in thought for a while (depression sucks yo) but I feel once I get a good idea of all the things I could do social media wise, I think I would do fine. My workplace's sm profile isn't that exciting at all, so I know there's room for improvement.
Yes. This^ I love quinoa, but it gets nasty and mushy every time I cook it and hearing about how it being trendy here has made it hard for the people that the grain originates from expensive to buy makes me what to find something else. Do you have any experience cooking buckwheat?
Hey there! I have two long questions for y'all:
It's been so slow that I honestly haven't paid much attention to it, but these last few episodes have been really good. I really hope the third season is the last because the plot feels so off the wall as is with all the plot twists that I'm not sure what they'll try and do for the third. I'm rolling my eyes hard with…
Marathon session of Revenge season 2 and spicy french fries.
Yeah, it was terrible. I thought it'd be a cheeky nod to the film but was nothing more than a straight rip-off of the 'Huey Lewis' scene. It was so awful I thought Kanye written it himself. That said Gawker loves to shit on him constantly (sometimes for very valid reasons) but whenever Kanye comes out with a new album…
Lie. He at first backed up that he was threatened to harm her then recanted.