
Mookie: [lifts head] [[looks toward door]] [[[resumes resting]]]

I'd like to see this trainer try to save face when PETA comes calling, or when it's ripped off by this bear.

"This is Slinky!"


Deion loves to tell his Polish girlfriends to "sleep on the corner".

"One foot goes one way, one foot goes the other way."

I'd like to buy a vowel.

Alright, David, good luck...again the category is "Sports"...everyone please be quiet...

Elizabeth Eilender, an attorney who represented plaintiffs Christina Scavo and Shannon O'Toole, would only tell us via email that "the Case is resolved and it is being discontinued with prejudice."

The dad from the Volkswagen commercial must've been the one who taught this kid to throw

is that $30 billion in your pocket or are you just happy for Sochi?

or Dagestan.

Jesus, man, leave the Cardinals alone! Are they a bunch of morons convinced of their own power and status, when really they have neither? Of course! So why do you feel the need to rip on them? You're better than that!

Here you can see a Russian attempt at silver undermined by an expensive but haphazard patchwork. But enough about Chelsea's starting lineup.

Unfortunately for this kid's ribcage, pitchers think he's trying to call his shot in every at-bat.

The Scarlet Vetter

Though having a designated driver would Ameliarate the situation somewhat.

When the Yankees Face the Mets, It's Duckface Supreme

It's not a good sign for Puma that Dortmund's collective response was, "Um, bro?"