
And here I thought doping was Lance's most anus crime.

The kind of guy you have to absolutely hate, unless he's at your party.

"Kenny Rogers's questionable balls were stained with a dark substance"

Calvin Coolidge also rose from number 2 to number 1 through semantics.

Mississippi has been practicing revisionist history since 1865. Big deal.

It is like a reverse game of Hüsker Dü, where you guess which is not like the other...or in this case, which one is spending the night alone. Money is on Leinart.

Photoshop Migel Diving Into Other Ill-Advised Situations

They'll definitely be missed, but I'm pretty excited about the NBC deal. Sounds like we might be seeing a lot more EPL games (hopefully live ones) in the near future. I mean ESPN showed maybe 1 game per week. Fox picked up some of the slack, but a lot of those are on buried, hard-to-find channels, and I doubt the

This is true, it's a good thing the playoffs are happening right now, we definitely need something to distract us from our fucking politicians! Not that Ford embarassing himself publicly is news exactly, but doing it in such a spectacularly stupid way is.

If you have seen what our actual (political) senators have been up to lately, you would agree that this is a rare occurrence in the Great White North as well.

The perfume seems to be working better than the old method of putting a Kerry Kittles turd in front of a fan.

the Nets didn't respond to questions.

"I got 99 problems but the bends ain't one."

Rovell: "Look, enough of these ridiculous allegations. The only 15 year old I'm interested in is this delicious Jim Beam. Make a Bold Choice™." [swirls glass]

Awww... befuddledly letting the ball trickle in when seeing limited action, just like Daddy!

I'd rather hear him define "reasonable".

6. Let your penis do the talking.

as far as upper-deckers go, that was pretty weak.

What a sad, delusional man. O.J. was found not guilty!