
Sounds like real Misery for his family.

What do you expect him to do, Tim? Wigan out won't help his team any.

See guys? The NFL does care about women!

An SEC athlete getting involved with a girl named Jenny? He must be retarded.

I don't know if this makes me a creep or not, but I can't help but stare at these giant sets, even when I know they're fake.

Witnesses knew something was wrong when he correctly applied the Infield Fly rule.

There was once a sports writing hard-hitter,

Pictured: A young Eric Cantona

That's awesome! I never get enough of these Nate Robinson gifs.

"Nice to see they're trying to make this more like baseball so it's easier for American audiences to follow."- Jose Canseco

Poonerman didn't talk because he didn't want to publicly identify himself as his alter ego, Clark Cunt.

Someone should also tell Dwight that if your hand is bigger than your face, then you're a team cancer.

Simon and Corbuncle

A stylish leather purse to match her skin.

"This isn't even a portrait, it's a fucking book. Thanks a lot, Joyce. Asshole."- Colin Cowherd.

I guess I'd wear a mask too if I ever had to shake hands with Rob Ford publicly.

God, what a creepy, bloated, cartoonish face on that monster. The Hamburglar gives me the willies too.

The best cheat code associated with the NBA since Andrei Kirlienko's wife's views on marriage.

I for one thought it was quite the tribute to Fergie.

A 21 hairdryer salute seems in order.