Yeah it was. Thanks
for some odd reason I loathe the new Optimus rig. so I don't really care what the rest of them look like. This is coming from someone who defended the series all the way through Dark Of The Moon. I just hate streamlined semi's.
Oh yeah. nothin' better than a couple of bro's out for a midnight ride in a car that could drop panties from 3 states away.
That is some serious fucking fund miss management. I know people that have started entire companies with less than that. I'm calling it. This guy is a joke. In a week or so there will be a follow up article about his new boat
Iunno if I'm into this or not. I'll have to check back in a bit...
Its not a graphically unified attempt. Come back later.
Burning Love is way better. More realistic too.
not my brain. thank god. fucking hate pancakes. it's like eating a pillow. how can you not gag
Get your buzz on in the middle of the evening, sandwiched between the eating and the pacing later.
it's not new. It's infamous meets the last 45 min of District 9. props to them beating the odds on production though. also the cockpit design is fucking killer.
And yet not nearly as pointless as yours! ;) It's ok. You'll get'em next time lil' buddy
There are literally only 3 or 4 hot girls in that entire post. The rest look like they got downs while watching Dallas
WOAH! I know who's getting the worst parent of the year award. Honey BooBoo step aside.
I practice my grip 4-5 times a day, and yes, it's what you think.
Valve is working on something similar looking. Is this the new thing? Instead of guns we get to manipulate virtual limbs? Got news for you. Trespasser already did it. Although it sucked ball sacks. Good call using a clone of the music from Doom3…
I've got one. just kidding. if I could afford it I probably wouldn't be on Jal at 2:30 in the morning.
Hey cut them some slack. Do you realize that xanex prescriptions among studio execs at Disney quadrupled when they decided to go with an asian chick in Mulan? You don't know what these people have been through. It's hard being racially sensitive! That being said... where the white women at?