
this guy's jealous as shit

Sure it would work if it wasn't huge cubes. Why are some engineers so fucking lazy? Shit John Carmack is working on a Doom engine that renders individual leaves on trees. Nothing is impossible.

Far too few busty women wear small enough bras that their nips show. Bravo to that.


Hey check that out

peep that shit

Zynga is a shithole and I hope it tanks soon so all those nice people can get on to bigger and better jobs.

Actual character announcements get equally ridiculous. The only conclusion I can draw is that fans of the series are vehemently socially awkward geniuses. (Geniuses because they're usually really intelligent coders). I wanted to post that clip where the 5 dudes freak out harder than a 10 yr old getting a light saber

WEEEEEEE Halo sucksssssssss!

I've told you a thousand times, stop taking pics of my fridge.

was that a backdoor brag? do you actually have 170 in savings? if you do I'd like to propose so I can finally afford to buy a house.

Women are the worst at this shit because they act like it's perfectly ok for them to do it, then get bat shit bent out of shape when they find out they're also being played.

underneath is a pile of old highschool year books and a bunch of New Balance boxes.

Considering what a psychopath he is I'd say those three dudes literally dodged a bullet there. Is he by himself? How lame is that?

where the fuck am i?

I thought that was the best part. maybe someday i'll be that rich. not counting on it.

If you live somewhere that doesn't have a water restriction policy go fucking nuts

at least now we now western culture is completely irrelevant to the rest of the world. I guess technically it's japanese... wait... who 'invented' the phrase game over? Is it british. sounds like something they would say after a duel or some shit.
