
50$ starbucks?

Seems like they're all heavily modified too. I wonder what one that hasn't been converted to right hand drive or blown the original engine is worth. Probably doesn't exist

No, troll fail means coming back to a 9 day old thread that you failed the first time

Is it weird that I don't care anymore now that 30Rock is over?

I know the old saying 'if you have to ask' but i'm curious. what's the $? 10 mill?

can you smash cut on vine or do you have to edit it in the iphone first?


Finally a game that doesn't feature a pussy ass handgun

what was the last popular sandbox game you played with a heart of gold protag?

Let's hope not! They're already pretentious enough as it is.

So this is a thing now? Rebooting something less than 4 years after the last film? I guess that's not the worst timeline ever... see one version as a high school freshman and celebrate graduation with a completely different vision... yeah...

2, 4, 1, 3 def.

Actually I gotta give props to the costume department. Too bad the script probably sucks worse than a jet engine on reverse

I'm at the office and don't have ads turned off. I could barely get through the White House Down trailer. I'm sure whatever it is, is hilarious though.


Everyone can relax, the ugly's here.

facebook will fuck you every time

No joke, I'm enjoying every minute of this shit. They need to draft a new law that states that the entire estate and holdings of the guilty party should be liquified and donated to charity.

That was never the issue fuckwad. That was your two cents. Original argument was how ugly they are. To which I received 15 recommends and 21 corrections - which I conceded to.

We don't need any beauty pageants at all.