
Thanks for the sex. I don't have any cab money, here's some fluff

aight. let's do this

stop protesting and get back to making the worlds raunchiest porn k thx bye.

I think it's awesome that she would probably feel ugly if he DIDNT look.

um. what comeback?

Trailer hitch. Fucking


whos the poor bastard you just xboxed?

"Still don't want one," chimed in another.

This is so fucking stupid I can't wrap my head around it.

Don't worry bitch. He'll be as gay as your closeted cast mates. Probably wear the same amount of make up too

"I wanted to maybe give some hope to kids on the reservations. They're living without running water and seeing problems with drugs and booze. But I wanted to be able to show these kids, "Fuck that! You're still warriors, man."

Yes sir yes sir. Look at that sexy sexy - whoop hold on a second. yep, engine died. what? oh the suspension? yeah it's pretty bad. sorry about that. What? You're a 55 yr old milf and you have a bad back? Oh I'm terribly sorry about the ride quality. Yeah my prostate is acting up again. Let's go back to the bed and

finally. some good news.

No it isn't

At least they're in the military. I mean, I don't know about you but I'm proud to have a bunch of fucked up rapists defending my country.

thank you for this. I hope that bitch goes down in flames.

I wonder what the percentage of idiots who try drifting for the first time and end up in the treeline is

aw, troll fail :(

still can't believe that fucker got out of serving jail time simply because of law loopholes. Try that shit in the midwest and see what happens. I'll see you in 2 weeks. Fucking piece of shit.