You're right. And 2009 was the best one.
You're right. And 2009 was the best one.
Why are there only Dirt Bags in the morning now? My nights have been so sad and lonely...
I was once at a dog park and I saw Famke Janssen a little bit near me reading a script while her little dog ran around. Because I wasn't doing anything else, I did a quick IMDB search of her and in the trivia it mentioned she had a dog named "Cinnamon". Anyway, her dog starts playing with my, at the time, new pug…
"Rumors are flying that Ashton Kutcher plans to propose to Mila Kunis as soon as his divorce is final."
"I’m okay. I look great. I’m cool. I like going out. I like being at home, I like movies, I like eating. So what’s wrong with me? Why am I alone?" Worst. POF. Profile. Evah.
Re: Alleged Prince Harry Love Triangle. My instant gut reaction was something along the lines of GET IN THERE, CHELSY, AND SMASH SOME SHIT UP! LEAVE DEVASTATION IN YOUR WAKE.
What's the rush? My viewpoint on marriage is basically, if I'm supposed to be with this person the rest of my life, what's the rush to get married? I've been with the Gatekept for 5 years this month, just co-habiting, being sickeningly in-love, etc... granted, we aren't going to have children (just of the furry sort).
You don't want to be black. You want to check 'black' on a form when and only when it would be convenient for you.
Kristen Bell continues to be amazing. My secret bff is the best, y'all!
It is about Thwaites' character's coming of age in a utopian society that is without war, famine, or disease, but also without Taylor Swift music.
Thanks, but I don't care for any more bigotoni.
So at Penny's wedding there better be a dude on rollerblades and a performance by Mandonna. I don't care that Penny isn't a real person, and that Casey Wilson only played Penny on tv, I need this to happen.
Jon Hamm and Amy Poehler! I am deeeeefinitely not winning an Emmy! You can send my invite now.
In West Hollywood born and raised, in my mansion is where I spent most of my days, chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool, shootin' some b-ball outside by the pool... I got in one little self entitled twitter rant online and my dad got scared... said you're moving in with your Auntie & Uncle in the trail-air. You know…
Russell Brand is pretty awesome, until he divorces you over text message.
I'm gonna miss R.T. Rybak. Dude was a superstar among mayors :(