This would be perfect for the impending doom that will be the next 4 years, but not at that price.
This would be perfect for the impending doom that will be the next 4 years, but not at that price.
Because 1, just like his campaign, it’s just rhetoric, and 2, when his corporate buddies convince him that spending more on military is great for their portfolios, I mean, the defense of this country, he won’t do any cost cutting whatsoever.
This is how Idiocracy started. Just sayin’.
It even has a song.
“That looked kind of boring.”
Please post some permalinks to your greatest hits.
She doesn’t stand a chance. Not one chance. Not even one hell of a chance.
This breakdown will be the best thing about the movie. I’m trying not to laugh out loud, but when I get home....
It’s fine that many of the toilets don’t work. They can just use the poop-deck.
You’re like the Old Cat Lady, except with Jeeps...and you’re not a lady.
For some strange reason, every time I read the title I keep misreading Virginia.
“...but I suspect an analysis of the drivers blood will show elevated levels of stupid.”
Yeah. There are a TON of little diplomatic idiosyncrasies that come into play. When to smile or not smile when taking a photo, whether or not to bring a gift, when or when not to bow, how to shake hands, etc. I have a feeling that our new president will have no idea (or will care to bother learning) about these sorts…
I also have a nice beachfront property in Kansas for sale. It’s a great deal!
The guy in the photo seems happy enough.
NPR is now reporting that contrary to earlier reports, no gun was used in the attack at all. The suspect reportedly struck a group of people with his car, then leapt out and attacked them with a butcher knife.
Well, when a black guy goes to a cashier and says “Give me the cheddar!”, stuff like this is bound to happen.
Looks like you have a fan club.
Can no one still tell me wtf they were thinking with these new grills?