
Do people *truly* really care about gas mileage? In order to get the advertised gas mileage, you likely have to drive at or under the speed limit and accelerate slowly. Most people I see driving (even ones in larger trucks and SUVs) accelerate like a bat out of hell from one traffic light to the next. Just because a

Wow. 33k even has Rob Ford saying “DAFUQ?!?!?!?”

Those are the battle scars of a warrior. They should be left alone.

Now playing

This will make you happier. Listen to the whole thing...it’s worth it.

I want to know who Becky is. “Twitter been hack” my ass.

I would love to hear this guy get into a constitutional argument with 2nd amendment man.

It comes with a roll-cage?!?!?!?!?

Now playing

Hey, that Volvo bumper is all scratched up!!!!

I vote for General Sherman. Might as well name it after a winner, after all.

Filled up a cd for my car (yeah, my car is old ‘97) with my favorite Prince songs and will be blasting them while singing along all week. No fucks given.

Prince was very influential in the 80's. Imagine some day when you get the news that Beyonce or Kanye passed away. That’s what it’s like for us.

How would you classify his music? Or him as an artist if you had to chose just one label?

No, he wasn’t that good. He was that fucking fantastic.

God dammit.

Agreed. The Caddy fits him to a tee.

What bollocks! What vanity! Get an old Jeep and take the extra money and do some good in the world you insufferable bloody sod.

You get to do whatever you want with the change. Like, buy another one so they can talk to each other.

OMG...I saw that top pic and....