
I agree that other Muslim countries should be doing a lot more about the ISIS problem and the refugees, especially countries with the resources to do so like Saudi Arabia and Turkey. We always seem to be more than willing to fight battles that they should be fighting for them. Problem is we can’t beat ISIS without

If you want to have a conversation then leave out the “bleeding hearts” comment. Leaving out absolutes and hyperbole will help too.

Here, let me help you out.

This is excellent troll bait. It’s like the Roach Motel of posts!

Funny, because a lot of what you just wrote can be said about so called Christians. In fact, a lot of the same things have been said by so called Christian leaders in our government.

Next time he’ll wait until the ball goes in the hoop.

9/10 would hoon....Oh wait, wrong site!

I like how the lines on the bumps in the hood flow to the sides of the seats. If they did that on purpose it was nicely done.

And the molar of this story is....

I wonder if you can do an LS1 swap on it.

Dammit, I was thinking the same thing!

I would. It’s funny how much support the 2nd amendment gets from “conservatives” but when it comes to the first amendment they have a problem with it if those exercising that right don’t agree with them. Bernie Sanders and Hillary had protestors at their rallies and they were treated with way more respect than

That’s the douche-nozzle.

Paid for with American and Japanese corporate and consumer dollars. Oh, the irony.

You, my friend, have performed a very valuable and necessary public service by writing this article.

As if he could make himself even more boring.

You can’t always say that’s the right move. Damange to the car aside, the real risk is losing control. If your front tires hit the matress and somehow it gets stuck there you have no steering, and you could wind up being pushed into other lanes without the ability to steer or stop. At highway speeds that would be

I watched it several times, and the way the body flopped it looked like a dummy (no puns intended).

+1 Too soon?