
I'm sorry, but the stanced look is retarded. I usually don't give absolutes when it comes to style and opinions, but this is one of those rare cases where I will make an exception.

Don't worry. We will make sure she can have all the cheesteaks she can eat for free!

Beautiful looking car...but not at 10k. Drop it to 5 or 6 and you got yourself a deal!

Imogen Poots....

The MiG is cheaper to maintain. But seriously, MiG 29s are badass. Just need a little more effort to find a parking spot.

Please, do not re-ignite the VI vs EMACS wars. There has been an uneasy truce that has kept the peace for awhile now.

Smurf Berry Crunch Cereal, FTW!

Don't forget to gold plate the car.

Deadspin had better be careful. Worldstar HipHop will be issuing a DCMA take down notice shortly.

I always find it funny how Conservatives see Obama as a Socialist/Liberal while Liberals see him as a Corporatist/Old School Conservative.

Boy, are you drinking the Conservative kool aid. What about "hipsters" gushing over old Volvos and Beetles. The only way you can come up with the "liberals hate cars" is to ignore facts and anecdotal evidence that are on the actual site you are accusing. This is a perfect example of the "bubble" a certain liberal

Makes sense. Every time he shoots and the fabric rubs against his arms he has to fight the reflex to flop, so it throws him off his game.

Corporate welfare at its finest.

Do they make one for people who sit very low in the seat with their head leaned up against the door?

Coach needs to show some hustle and get back on defense.

"Wake me when they start playing defense."

5-6 grand? Sure, why the hell not.

Apparently you are not familiar with the PPA. If the zombie thing doesn't work, they will go after her family.