
Maybe you can answer this for me. My wife's W210 has a problem with the washer fluid mysteriously vanishing. It's like some washer fluid fairies come and drink it while we are asleep. I have never found any evidence of leaking, nor has any mechanic we had take a look at it. What's the deal with that?


Time to buy Tesla stock!

If I wanted an expensive method of cheating my way through a science project, then maybe. But for ride, hell no.

When you stopped to get gas were people yelling "Dude, that's DIESEL!!!!!"?

Which is better? The answer is "YES".

You know what would be better? How about the driver goes to the parc, takes the bottle of milk/champagne/whatever and puts it on the podium unopened, takes the trophy, and without saying a word walks right to the dressing room.

And my Lambo has a second name it's P-H-O-N-Y!

Bugs Bunny is not sure what to do about this one.


This is a tough one. If the engine and other mechanics are in the same shape are the body and interior, this thing would be a nightmare to own. If not, then it would be worth it. Not taking the chance though, at that price. CP.

Let's see...

Intoxicated? Maybe not, but there was something seriously wrong with the dude. Looks like he also wet or crapped his pants, too.

Seated Gangsta style, yo!

That looks Batshit-Insane.....and I totally want one.

You win all internet points!

It's Bud Light, so does it even really count?

You win all internet points today.

Wanted for questioning....

I was with you on Neutral until you added "automotive variety". Now I'm confused.