FUCK. I really want to hate this show out of respect for Clarkson and Co.
Cracked has taken the time to dump on car dealers and basically the entire process of buying a new car because, hey,…
As a small independent (non-franchise) used car dealer, I find the best course of action is just to be up front with people.
actually, they've stated that server capacity isn't the issue. The problem is just bugs in the server code. Which is actually much more unacceptable.
why don't these companies short term lease a server farm for the first month or so when a game like this comes out? Then, once they have a good idea of peak load, scale back to that.
Rule #1 in online game development: stress testing the servers.
+100 for lady who knows how to hold a phone in landscape!
I let him play with them. Sometimes.
I do think there's such a thing as "too fast" or "too powerful", but I think it's different for every person.
a car is too fast if it's only fast under conditions that aren't suitable for public roads. For instance, the C6 ZR1 has such long gearing and such a huge discrepancy between "on-boost" and "0ff-boost" performance, that if you even get into boost for a second in anything besides first gear, you're breaking every speed…
I know this has been debated before, but I have to ask: Is there such a thing as too fast?
Believe me. I'd love to.
Jason, no intentions to come down here and see some for yourself? Bring Andrew, he will love to see our trucklets
Dodge is, literally, doing everything the right way.
The term "shit" is so over used that it was probably hard to explain when it really was shit.
I bet the road there was full of skidmarks.