Buns on the Run

Whoa whoa whoa. We’ve obviously buried the lede here.

a white lady is dragging a baby. a black baby. it’s racist and it’s dangerous.

Blue was a complete asshole. When encountered by Red for recruiting aboard the Sygnis, he denies him and tells him he hates his name. I believe both Blue and Red can’t be obtained by any other play through.

You did get access to something for clearing all 7 scenarios, it was the 2nd Div. No, it wasn’t hugely much, but it was a surprise if you didn’t know it was coming.

Yeah, Nintendo really fucked 2nd division over w/ Romancing SaGa. Back in the day only 1st party games were allowed to break cartage plateaus forcing them to cut a ton of content. The Romancing SaGa PS2 remake was fucking amazing though.

I love the game but one other major flaw is Lute’s game. If you just follow his storyline without going out into the world, gathering allies and getting more powerful, you can easily get locked into a point of no return with his end boss long before you’re strong enough to beat it.

This isn’t censorship, this is one guy trying to defend a bad joke that has no basis in the original text. It even says outright that the original name is a pun on light switches. What in the hell do light switches have to do with a radicalized Christian terrorist group?

He had a problem with Röhm’s homosexuality, but he was willing to overlook it, as long as Röhm and the SA (Sturmabteilung, the original brownshirts) were useful to him. After Hitler came into power Röhm and his SA (who where mostly jobless, low skilled workers) wanted more “socialist” measures as promised (that’s why

Can’t buy a clean conscience.

If this mofo was really interested in being better Americans why the fuck would he vote for an openly racist, openly sexist, anti LGBTQ, orange menace? Did he not see what happened to PoC at Orange Foolius rallies? Does he think it’s some kind of coincidence that these bigoted fucks targeted Poc for violence at these

No one went for Butz?

Yeah, this might be my ADHD talking, but the missed responsibility/broken promise, provided we’re talking about something minor, doesn’t seem remotely as bad as lying. Like, a single lie is a pretty fucking serious thing, particularly if we’re not talking “Oh you look great in that!” or “Yeah, I totally want to watch

Now playing

Here’s the same guy and probably same girl in other videos:

No if it is fiction as some sort of student film or high school video production segment completed when learning the horror genres AND both actors willingly played the role, there is absolutely zero persecution warranted.

Shit like this is not funny. Family Guy made a similar joke and it turned me against Seth MacFarland *forever.* Men like Donald Trump are not actually anomalies. He just happens to have a lot of cameras pointed in his direction and no filter.

THAT’S the lesson you think people should have learned? Go fuck yourself.

Which is just shorthand for “you don’t have a right to privacy.”

Video games occupy this interesting space where they’re both art and product, and nothing illustrates that more than the way reviews work. On one hand, reviewers (should) want to write interesting critiques that dig into whether a game does what it set out to do, and how it makes players feel. On the other hand, we

Leftists don’t like any opinions that aren’t sanctioned by their tumblr overlords. And those opinions are as capricious as the winds.

You... don’t sound very informed. Like, if your understanding of feminism is ‘traffic lights & emojis lol’ then... I dunno, gosh - I’d suggest reading a book or a small pamphlet but even that might be starting too fast.