Buns on the Run

I’m thinking maybe I’m too old? I was cool with the whole retro NES/SNES sprite thing (it’s a tad played out now), but I remember thinking even at the time that companies were rushing to get 3D gaming out before the hardware was really ready

I guess that’s a Catch 22. If you’re smart enough to know your world view is royally backwards you probably wouldn’t have that view in the first place.

Their wings are so ploofy...

There’s actually a third one. It’s worth killing them too if you can pull one at a time through the gate.

That’s the best farming area in the game.

Hey if that’s the culture of left wing acceptance, I’ll gladly sign on, since the culture of right wing acceptance is to let in all the xenophobic, misogynistic, bigoted jackasses and give them the reins to the party.

It’s okay to make fun of a person who campaigns on a racist, misogynistic, and bigoted platform. Making fun of his name is probably the most innocent joke you could make about such a worthless human being. It’s funny to see people like yourself so defensive about protecting their hatemonger though. “The left is such

You really don’t understand where this all came from do you? The only reason people make fun of his name is to emphasize his hypocrisy from when he made fun of John Stewart for change his last name. Here are some quotes from Trump about it.

The only way you could construe that as making fun of someone is that if you felt that there was something wrong with the name Drumpf. The funny part is where people as xenophobic as Trump or his followers wouldn’t find it amusing to refer to a name that alludes to his family being immigrants at some point in time. I

Whereas the culture of right wing acceptance is ... there is not a culture of right wing acceptance ....

On the contrary, people who make straight reproductions of existing games are just “regular” pirates who take the risk of getting sued by a corporation.

One could say that stolen games are being sold, but one cold also say it’s the packaging, cartridging(?), or labeling, that you’re really paying for, as the ROM hacks themselves are posted online for free, and most publishers understandably don’t seem to care (Square-Enix infamously excepted).

I’d also side-eye (sweet verb) anyone who buys these. Surely a collector would spring for the real thing.

I feel it’s an angle that definitely does infringe upon the creators and publishers, but we’re talking SNES games. It probably exists within that legal space where it would take more money to really go after anyone, and it wouldn’t be worth it.

Honestly, I hadn’t thought of that angle until reading some of the comments on this post. I feel like this is a really interesting topic that maybe I should write about more deeply in the near future!

So wait, they’re angry that unnecessary objectification and sexualization is being removed from their games, so they’re accusing one of the people who works on the games of... sexualizing and objectifying characters?

This. This also applies to you #bluelivesmatter d*cks too. Cops have always mattered.

How many times do people need to be told that the inherent implication behind black lives matter IS all lives matter?!?!

Saying “we are the guys who made these games, it will probably be of that level of quality” is not the same as the people who go “this will be the next Link to the Past” or whatever.

If it’s the panties, then surely Lollipop Chainsaw would have to be banned too, right?